Inglés Patrono Wichi (Act 28)


 Let´s work on THE PATRONO

                Today  we work on Wichi language


Complete the spaces with the correct words FROM THE BOXES


people     Wichi   north          


The ________language is a language family spoken by the Wichí ________in  the ______ west of Argentina and  Bolivia.


people      Formosa     parts      40.000    

________ and 50.000 _______speak the language. In Argentina, it is spoken in___________ of the provinces of Salta and _________, and in the north east of Chaco.


 Generations   radios    families    schools     many


The Wichí language has some dialects. The language is transmitted across __________ and the communities and ________speak it.  

It is also used on local ______ and some bilingual ________ teach it.


                         LOOK!  English words in Wichi

COW :  tulu

WEEK:  semanu

THE SCHOOL: eskW elu


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