HI PEOPLE!! LAST ACTIVITY OF THE YEAR!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR DEDICATION AND EFFORT!! ALL THE BEST FOR NEXT YEAR AND ALL MY LOVE TO ALL OF YOU!! ANGELES LET´S GUESS THESE RIDDLES!!!(ADIVINANZAS) 1-What are two things people never eat before breakfast? 2-What can´t be used if we don´t break it? 3- What has 2 hands and a face, but no arms and legs? 4- What is the last thing you take off before bed? 5- What kind of dog never bites? 6- Why is a river rich? 7- Why did I throw the butter out of the window? Here are the solutions but all mixed up!!! SHOES - HOT DOG - AN EGG - IT HAS 2 BANKS- LUNCH & DINNER- TO SEE A BUTTERFLY- A CLOCK