Inglés Patrono Mapuche (Act 27)


 Let´s work on THE PATRONO 

Today we work on MAPUCHE people

Complete the spaces with the correct words FROM THE BOXES


People     Mapuche   che     Chile       

 __________  Is spoken in south-central ________ and west central Argentina

by the Mapuche ________.  Mapu means: land and _______ means people. 


Language       speak      20.000 

 Only ________ people still ­­­­_______ Mapuche because the rest of the Mapuche people speak another _______


people     happiness

 Mapuche,is a name that means¨¨_______ of the land¨

Mapuche is a culture of optimism, respect and ________


Sun     universe    colours     represent

The ________of the Mapuche flag (bandera)

Yellow:symbolizes the ______, Moon and stars that ___ knowledge(conocimiento).

Blue symbolizes the purity of the ________.





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